I am a PhD student advised by Prof. William T. Freeman and Prof. Frédo Durand at the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. My research is focused on scene understanding based on the physical properties of objects using visual media. Previously, I have worked on non-line-of-sight imaging and generative models for computational photography. I enjoy playing guitar, photography, and reading books on psychology and neuroscience.
Materialistic: Selecting Similar Materials in Images
Prafull Sharma, Julien Philip, Michael Gharbi, William T. Freeman, Fredo Durand, Valentin Deschaintre
[Paper] [Project Page]Neural Groundplans: Persistent Neural Scene Representations from a Single Image
ICLR 2023
Prafull Sharma, Ayush Tewari, Yilun Du, Sergey Zakharov, Rares Ambrus, Adrien Gaidon, William T. Freeman, Fredo Durand, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Vincent Sitzmann
[Paper] [Project Page]What You Can Learn by Staring at a Blank Wall
ICCV 2021, Oral presentation
Prafull Sharma, Miika Aittala, Yoav Y. Schechner, Antonio Torralba, Gregory W. Wornell, William T. Freeman, Frédo Durand
[Paper] [Project Page]Self-supervised Speckle Reduction GAN for Synthetic Aperture Radar
IEEE Radar Conference 2021
Michael Newey, Prafull Sharma
[Paper]Computational Mirrors: Blind Inverse Light Transport by Deep Matrix Factorization
NeurIPS 2019
Miika Aittala, Prafull Sharma, Lukas Murmann, Adam Yedidia, Gregory Wornell, William T. Freeman, and Frédo Durand
[Paper] [Project Page]On the Importance of Label Quality for Semantic Segmentation
CVPR 2018
Aleksandar Zlateski *, Ronnachai Jaroensri *, Prafull Sharma, Frédo Durand
[Paper]K-means++ vs. Behavioral Biometrics: One Loop to Rule Them All.
NDSS 2018
Parimarjan Negi, Prafull Sharma, Vivek Jain, Bahman Bahmani